Pozzo 3.2 “Celimontano” (line C of the Metro) (Rome)


2015 - 2018


Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma (Dr. S. Morretta, Dr. P. Palazzo)

Within the activities of the Chair of Archaeologic Research Methodology (Prof. G. Olcese) at Sapienza - Università di Roma, some seminars have been carried out for studying the archaeological materials (mostly ceramics) of the context called Pozzo 3.2 "Celimontano" (line C of the Metro of Rome).

The excavations (2014-2016) concerned the area of a circular aeration well, with a diameter of 34 m and a depth of about 17/18 m.

The materials can be dated from the modern age to the archaic age and the results of the study are currently in preparation.